CLG Talks to Indie Publisher/Author Barbara Joe Williams
CLG: If you had to define yourself as a writer, how would you do so?
BJW: I would define myself as a passionate writer. In other words, I only write about the things that I feel passionately about whether it's fiction or nonfiction.
CLG: How do the books you've written connect to your definition?
BJW: All of my books feature strong willed characters who are determined to succeed in life. I write about people falling in love, dealing with hardships, and going through life changing experiences in a positive manner. I show people with a thirst for living and a passion for overcoming whatever obstacles they face.
CLG: How have you promoted your works?
BJW: I've tried many avenues for promoting my work nationally by using the Internet and traveling to different cities. I've joined many online book clubs and networking groups. In addition, I conduct writing, publishing, and marketing workshops at various conferences, libraries, and universities. I've been interviewed on the radio, newspaper, and television. Recently, I started a local authors network, and I'm the annual host for the Local African-American Authors Day program in February. All of these avenues give me exposure and promote my work.
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